A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.

Although I am a Midwest girl and native of Illinois, I enjoy traveling and have visited 22 States in the U.S. and 10 Countries in the 14 years I’ve been blessed with. One of my most favorite traveling experiences is my first family vacation to the Bahamas when I was two years old. The joy of splashing in the waves and playing on the beautiful beaches, to coloring and playing games with my family on the plane ride was all so exciting to me.  I enjoy meeting new people, seeing new places and interacting with my peers at Hawthorn North Middle School, where I am currently a high honor role student in the 8th grade.  I play front row for our Eagles Volleyball team, and have been a member of the Poms team for the last 3 years. This year I was honored to be voted team captain, and led my team to a first place victory, and my team has the honor of being the first Poms team in the history of Hawthorn North Middle School to win first place in a competition.

I’ve come a long way since once being a shy little girl who was picked on and often left out in elementary school for having naturally curly hair and looking different.  When I was 6 years old I began working with and donating my time to The Lexi Kazian Foundation-Helping from Heaven, a not for profit organization that is dedicated to improving the comfort and quality of life for children with special needs.  At a young age, I learned what it felt like to be different, to not be included.  It hurt, made me feel sad, and I wanted to do something to make a difference with other children who were also unique and special in their own way.  Since 2008 I have been donating my time, mentoring, raising money, and advocating for The Lexi Kazian Foundation.  Last year I even partnered with the foundation and held my very own special needs pageant (The “I Am Me” pageant). 

Coming from a family with a grandmother, mom, and sister who also have competed in pageants, we wholeheartedly believe in giving back to the community, I have been raised on donating my time to a plethora of organizations around the Country since I can remember.  Whether it’s doing the Polar Plunge with my mom and dad at my side to raise money for Special Olympics, or hosting a Go Red Luncheon with over twenty-five of my closest friends and family members working with me to raise awareness and money for the American Heart Association, my family always stands together.  We believe that doing things as a family is key, and always make that a number one priority.

I am so excited for my journey as Miss Teen Illinois International 2016.  I know the friendships and sisterhood I will make along the way will last me a lifetime. I look forward to being a role model in the community and being a voice for teens, young women, girls, and special needs children, to let them know that its ok to be different.

“Crowns aren’t always made of Rhinestones. They are made of discipline, determination, and hard to find alloy called courage, and anything is possible” - Unknown


Lindsey Pearlman

Miss Teen Illinois International 2016​

Chicago, IL
EMAIL: Lindsey.pearlman@yahoo.com

Photo  by Clay Spann